Refund Policy

Refund Policy. We want you to be satisfied with our goods. If you feel there was a problem with the goods you received, please contact us as listed in the Contact section. If you decide that you want a refund, all such requests must be submitted within 30 days of delivery and goods must be sent back to:

Great West Enterprises LLC
Attn: Return Dpt:- 1849 N Crest Road, Saratoga Springs, UT 84045

Limitations. All third-party fees and shipping costs are non-refundable. Additionally, refunds are subject to the following limitations: Item must be in original packaging and not damaged or scratched in any way

Form of Refund. Your refund will be issued in the same form that it was received. For example, if the payment to us was made by credit card then the refund will be issued to the same credit card used to make the payment. Refunds usually take 3 to 7 business days to credit back to your card depending on your card issuer.